What? A teacher asking you to turn your tv on?! No, not quite. I mean turn your tiny victories (T.V.) on. What small things have you accomplished that have made your day a little better? Creating my facebook page and finally mustering up enough courage to blog are mine. Consider this your spot to turn your T.V. on and post. I'd love the message of tiny victories to spread!
Presently, I'm amazed at the wealth of information there is to sort through on a daily, no make that hourly basis. Feeling a little scattered, even a bit naive as a result. (You may get that impression after reading my posts sometimes.) Much like choosing the right produce at the supermarket, how do I sort through and select the best (or shall we way the freshest?!) information to pass along to people? Sometimes it's a timely photo, a page of tips and strategies, a video or even an event. Surely you've come to read my blog to gather some new information, not wonder how many diapers I change for twins in a day. (it's a lot, yes I stockpile boxes of diapers in my attic, we'll leave it at that) How do you other bloggers do it?
I leave you today with a link to the author Annie Murphy Paul. She has graciously taken it upon herself to "follow" me on Twitter, for which I am thankful, especially after setting up my account just days ago. Something about her "helping people understand how we learn and how we can do it better." sparked my interest. Maybe after reading her latest book, Brilliant, The New Science of Smart I'll have better strategies for passing along my daily produce to all of you! In the meantime, check out her site and blog.
And so I'll end this short post in the words of a certain well meaning dance instructor trying to teach my then soon to be husband and I how to slow dance in front of our wedding guests, "The less time you're out there the better." (we then changed our choice of music promptly.) Thanks for liking, following, subscribing, etc! :)
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