Monday, June 24, 2013

Five (less squirmy) Places To Read To Your Baby and Toddler

Before I had children, I daydreamed about seating them on my lap each night and reading them bedtime stories. Of course being a teacher, it was only natural that whatever age my someday children would be, they'd be ready to snuggle up on my lap for a good ol' read aloud. twin sons were born.
Understand my husband and I are both teachers so the read aloud expectation? Very high.  Trying to wrestle them both onto my lap for a book isn't easy. I know, I know, they aren't even a year old, but...C'mon guys! Mom and Dad have great books! We do ALL the voices.My romantic daydream wasn't so romantic. I had two fussy, squirmy little boys not caring about what happened to Max when he became king of all Wild Things! 
Something needed to be fixed.
I was determined to find ways to turn them onto books, besides just letting them chew them.

Here's FIVE spots you may not have tried but they've worked well for us. Good luck!
1. The tub: Yup, grab those waterproof books and they will listen. If they squeak or rattle, even better.
2. While nursing or bottle feeding: I've been able to bang out several A.A. Milne poems during one of these sessions. Just need a few books nearby. Don't worry if they can't see the pictures.
3. Doctor's office: Our office gives books to our boys at each appointment. Jackpot!
4. While they are playing. I admit, I'd love to have them stop what they're doing, toddle over, and plop on my lap but that doesn't always happen. This is a great time to read one of those special gift books because they aren't close enough to tear the jacket off!
While they are in their high chairs! This works because we don't necessarily eat meals with them yet. I keep a basket of books on the table and they are all ears. You'll have a captive audience, which if you're a teacher like me, you'll enjoy. :) We actually have tears when we stop. So passing out a few board books for a good chomp fest seems to help.
I hope this encourages you to read more to your baby or toddler each day, no matter where, no matter when! Please comment on any other places that have worked for you! :))

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