Friday, June 21, 2013

Spreading The Word!

There has been a whirlwind of activity on my FB page this week!! I can't begin to say how grateful I am to several other like-minded page administrators out there that promoted me on their own pages. The Reading Tutor/OG is reaching a bigger audience as a result and the message is getting out there: Help our kids become successful readers and LOVE reading too.It's a tiny little page on a VERY big mission. I call that a tiny victory!
A HUGE welcome to all my new likers.  Having the opportunity to post, tweet, pin, blog about my passion for teaching is a dream come true. I fully admit I'm a little late to the rodeo in the blogosphere. I jump into things head first, (as many of you that know me will say), so sometimes I have to backtrack a bit. That's when I learn the most though. I love a challenge!
Many of you are winding down the school year (still), especially here in the Northeast. Snow days are nice at the time, but...well you know! For many, the last thing you want to do is think about school when vacation officially begins. This may be you, racing out to the Jersey shore or Cape Cod faster than you can say Common Core.
And believe me, teachers NEED a break. However, think of this summer as a growth time too. I love that each year you get a big do-over if you're a classroom teacher. Consider the following:
1. If you haven't gotten on Pinterest...DO IT! The ideas are endless. I'm happy to give tips to anyone just getting started.
2. Join Twitter: I know many of you out there are thinking Twitter is only for following celebs. It's soo much more. You choose who to follow and there's always wonderful education information being tweeted around the clock. If you're curious, find me on Twitter, see who I follow, and follow them too! I will fully admit I follow lots of moms of multiples, being the fearless Mommy of twins that I am. However, I do follow some pretty interesting people and groups that are related solely to topics in education :)) 
And finally...
I'm working on a numerous projects right now, but there is one that I'm especially excited about. You'll definitely want it for your classroom. More details to follow...
If you like what you're reading here, please comment and even consider following my blog. As always i would love to hear about your tiny victories too. Thank you!!

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